Wednesday, August 1, 2007, #145 (1412)

Four former Interior Ministry officers, convicted in the January 2006 beating death of Sandro Girgvliani, had six months taken off their jail sentences yesterday. The original sentences were seven to eight years each. Are their sentences just? Was the case fairly investigated?

"No, if the case was fairly investigated they deserved more than seven or eight years because the punishment for murder is supposed to be more. It's a token punishment, and it feels like they're mocking us."
Vakho, student, 23

"Seven years is not the exact punishment that is due for murder, but nothing surprises me now. I expect things like this from our government, which is full of criminals."
Maia, housewife, 53

"The case wasn't fully investigated, as the sentences make clear. They chose someone to punish in the end, but I suspect they did it to hide more criminals in higher ranks."
Mindia, taxi driver, 47

"No, I don't think the case was fairly investigated. Everyone knows it. It's a shame that this is happening, and proves that our justice system is totally broken."
Irakli, manager, 31

"Nobody investigated the case simply because law enforcers were involved in the crime. I think this case is unfair, as is the decision to shorten the sentences."
Maka, journalist, 29

"I don't think it's fair to take off a part of the sentences for those guys. And I'm also sure they deserved much longer sentences to begin with. But you know what's happening in Georgian courts; there's no justice there."
Keti, chemist, 43

"I strongly believe that those men should have received longer sentences. This proves that our justice system is incredibly weak."
Elsa, housewife, 37

"I was so outraged when I heard about that. This is a shame, they just want to get those people out of jail as quickly as possible."
Marika, economist, 25

"Everyone knew that it wasn't a fair case, and no one's opinion has changed: I think the same, as do all of my friends. Those guys should have got longer sentences for sure."
Lado, student, 20

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