Friday, August 3, 2007, #147 (1414)

Bread prices are reported to have gone up by ten to fifteen tetri around the country, after a poor global wheat harvest forced up flour prices. Bakers first made lighter, cheaper bread, before finally marking up prices. Has your family felt the higher prices? What impact is this having on Georgians?

"It'll have a really serious impact on Georgians, especially the ones below the poverty line who survive on bread. Of course, it'll affect my family as well. We eat a lot of bread everyday."
Liana, housewife, 52

"Every family feels it, believe me, every family, because we, Georgians, usually eat lots of bread and many people can't afford to pay any more for it. The government should do everything it can to prevent price rises. It's just more stress for the people."
Giorgi, pensioner, 71

"I don't understand, how long will prices continue to rise? If prices don't stop rising soon, increased salaries will not change things: citizens will remain on the same level. People may even get poorer. This isn't fair."
Megi, teacher, 34

"Oh, the living conditions are getting harder and harder recently. 60-65 tetri for one loaf of bread is a shock. I don't know, maybe soon we'll begin to starve."
Manana, pensioner, 60

"Well, it's not good. My family can still afford bread but for poorer people it is very unfair. On such low incomes how will they manage to buy bread at these prices?"
Giga, bank manager, 21

"It doesn't make any difference to me if the price is 50 tetri or 60 tetri. I don't shop for food."
Tika, student, 19

"It'll have a catastrophic effect for everyone, but it'll hit those living below the poverty line hard. And there are many of them."
Nini, English teacher, 27

"It will result in other consumer goods increasing in price as well. I have no idea how people will deal with it."
Ana, student, 22

"This will be hard on everyone. Bread is the number one food product in Georgia and it's very likely that other goods will also rise in price. 15 tetri is not a fortune, but when you add up the monthly sum, it will hit most people's purses."
Ako, pensioner, 77

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