Thursday, August 16, 2007, #156 (1423)

A Tbilisi gas company recently announced that Iran may be a major and permanent natural gas supplier for Georgia. US officials have said that any long-term strategic partnership between Tbilisi and Tehran would be unacceptable. Should Georgia seek out new energy sources from Iran or other countries, even if that means angering Western allies? Are you worried about the cost of heating this winter?

"Sure I'm worried, nobody is promising us anything, and you never know what Russia will do. I'm all for finding new sources, as long as it's cheap."
Dito, driver, 45

"All I care about is that the gas price doesn't go up. The rest of it doesn't matter to regular citizens; it's for the government to worry about. We pay our taxes not for their luxury, but so they can solve 21st century problems."
Vera, doctor, 36

"Whether or not the US will be angry isn't my problem. Our problem is the gas. If getting gas from Iran helps Georgians, then let's do it."
Viola, 36, housewife

"The biggest thing is the cost of gas. If it doesn't go up, then make Iran a major supplier-it's all the same to me. But I'm worried the price will go up this winter, and that'll make things tough for our people."
Nana, housewife, 39

"I have no idea what's going on in the energy sector, but if we need to get gas from Iran then so be it. As for the US, I think they're interfering too much in our business, and I don't like it at all. Georgia is an independent country, and we have the right to determine our own course. I don't want to see gas prices go up, but it's crucial that we have a constant supply this winter."
Erekle, computer specialist, 22

"I don't think Iran would be a good country to rely on. Maybe the US is right, but our government has a better idea of who's a reliable and worthwhile partner. The main issue is prices, and our government should keep that in mind."
Nuca, dancer, 26

"It's our government's task to find sources. I don't care who we buy it from, as long as we have gas this winter."
Manana, housewife, 47

"I don't think Russia will sit by idly if Georgia goes after other gas sources, because obviously Russia wants to keep control over Georgia's energy supplies. If Moscow sees us getting gas from Iran or some other country, they might try to cut-off our gas deliveries. Of course winter gas costs worry me-everyone is worried about it."
Vakhtang, manager, 43

"I'm definitely worried about heating this winter, because I'm not sure what Russia has prepared for us. I want the government to take measures before winter to make sure we'll have heating."
Nino, hair dresser, 34

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