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In your opinion, when Imedi TV restarts broadcasting, will the necessary conditions for fair election campaigning be in place?

Friday, December 7

“I welcome the step to put Imedi back on air soon, I think now the chance of fair elections will be increased—in any case the opposition candidates will have a better chance to campaign.”

Manana, teacher, 41

“It will be great when Imedi TV restarts broadcasting, but if the government still refuses to participate in their talk shows, Imedi will remain a mouthpiece of the opposition.”

Gaga, architect, 26

“Yes, I think so. For democratic elections, media freedom is the main priority.”

Shalva, student, 20

“I don’t think the elections will be democratic if only one side of the story is being broadcast. Restarting Imedi will help redress the balance. The opposition will get a chance!”

Irakli, economist, 21

“I don’t like Imedi, I don’t watch it and when it comes back on air I still won’t watch it.”

Tina, pensioner, 65

“I am glad that Imedi TV will be able to resume broadcasting, but they do have to tread carefully, our government won’t allow them to make the wrong move.”

Nino, teacher 54

“It is really good that Imedi can broadcast again—opposition candidates will have a better chance when presenting their election platforms, they’ll get their messages to the people finally”

Dato, dentist 38

“I like Imedi TV very much, and we’ll get better coverage of all the candidates’ campaign when they return to air.”

Nuka, student 22

“It’s really important for democratic elections. Imedi will show everything, all that is important and necessary, and not just part of the picture.”

Eka, housewife,42