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Monday, June 29 2009, #119 (1885)

Georgia the focus of OSCE discussions

Security problems in Georgia were one of the topics discussed at the informal OSCE Ministerial (more)

Opposition promises “surprises” in summer

The “radical” opposition, who have been rallying outside the Georgian Parliament for almost 3 months (more)

Conference on drug related issues held in Tbilisi


Georgians say no to torture


The News in Brief

"Pavel Felgenhauer – US-Russia summit is last opportunity to prevent war in Georgia" (more)


Opposition: regrouping or collapsing?

The non-Parliamentary opposition, who began continual protest actions on 9 April with the demand (more)

Press Scanner

"Ugulava wants more freedom and independence for Tbilisi " (more)

Do you think we will have another war with Russia this summer?
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