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Economic issues arena for political battles

By Messenger Staff
Friday, January 25
Members of the United National Movement continue to criticize Georgian current leadership. One of its major criticisms is the economy. UNM members point to the economic statistics for December 2012 which suggest a slowdown in economic activity in Georgia.

Of course Georgian Dream only took power in October and it is not realistic to imagine that the economic situation in the country to significantly worsen in a two month period. Moreover, UNM had nine years to improve the situation in the country, to create welfare for the population, to increase pensions, to pay better salaries, to eliminate poverty, to settle IDPs, to provide better insurance schemes and improve healthcare of the population. The list of the UNM's shortcomings could be longer. Georgian Dream should take very thoughtful and realistic steps as part of a long-term development programs. Systemic changes should be carried out in different fields -in agriculture, industry and so on. In this direction decisions should be taken swiftly and the activities should be launched as soon as possible.