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Tuesday, April 20, 2021, #076 (4880)

Parties sign new EU proposal, presidents pardon Mtavari Arkhi shareholder Giorgi Rurua

Head of the EU Delegation to Georgia Carl Hartzell has introduced several changes to the European Union-backed compromise and, according to him, this is a document that President of the European Council Charles Michel ‘views as balanced and realistic’. (more)

Radio Liberty Georgia: Two testing tents set up near the Enguri bridge passing point

Georgian service of the Radio Free Europe/ Radio Liberty reported yesterday that two COVID-19 testing tents have been set up near the Enguri bridge pass between Abkhazia and Georgia. (more)

Georgian soldier dies in Ukraine


Opinion & Analysis

Is the Euro-Atlantic route Georgia’s true priority?

After Danielson's failed mediation, Georgian politics found itself in a deeper crisis, compounded by growing frustration and a critical attitude towards the country from Western friends. (more)

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