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Friday, April 11 2008, #067 (1585)

Polish president denies strong-armed Georgia, NATO remarks

Yesterday Polish President Lech Kaczynski denied having suggested that Poland would scuttle EU negotiations with Russia unless Georgia and Ukraine are put on a definite path to NATO membership. (more)

OSCE monitors hit the ground in Georgia

The OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights election observation mission has arrived in Georgia to monitor the May parliamentary elections. (more)

Lawyers plan more protests, denounce ‘traitors’

Lawyers striking in demand of court reforms called off a hunger strike yesterday, but warned of more protests next week. (more)

Words of the Day

Kazakhstan not to lift CIS sanctions on Abkhazia

After Russia’s decision on March 6 to back out of a Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) treaty that imposed sanctions on Georgia’s breakaway region of Abkhazia, Kazakhstani officials have stated Astana will not follow suit. (more)

Third employment program to launch in May

The government’s third three-month employment program is scheduled to launch next month, ahead of parliamentary elections scheduled for May 21. (more)

The Week in Business

Press Scanner

"Cost of bread, fuel and transportation increase in Abkhazia" (more)

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