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Monday, March 5, 2012, #043 (2559)

Moscow responds to visa-free regime

In response to President Saakashvili’s decision to unilaterally abolish visa requirements for Russian citizens, Moscow has expressed its readiness to (more)

"This Affects You Too" holds election law roundtable

Media outlets, NGOs, and concerned citizens held a roundtable on March 2, under the banner of the campaign "This Affects You Too". (more)

Saakashvili hosts students to discuss education


Parties react to further demands from Chamber of Control


New Georgian-produced assault vehicle launched


The News in Brief

"Police checkpoint takes fire in Ganmukhuri" (more)


Rejecting Russia's reality

During his report to Parliament, President Mikheil Saakashvili announced that Georgia is unilaterally ending its visa regime with Russia. (more)

Press Scanner

"Tsiklauri: Georgia will stay the course regardless of Russian election outcome" (more)

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