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Monday, December 5, 2011, #230 (2498)

Draft Election Code Scrutinized by Venice Commission

Overall, the new draft Election Code is conducive to the conduct of democratic elections and has many positive features. (more)

Maestro TV Continues Broadcasting from New Location

Maestro TV restored broadcasting on cable networks on Friday. Having demonstratively left the former building of the TV company on the night (more)

Israeli Businessmen Released As Part of Tramex Settlement


Saakashvili Opens New Training Center in Gldani


The News in Brief

"Patriarch Preaches Respect for Parents" (more)


The Significance of the Protests in Tskhinvali

The presidential elections in the unrecognized separatist region of Tskhinvali or South Ossetia were held with surprises - not only for Moscow who (more)

Press Scanner

"Children should have a right to get free education" (more)

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